
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Top 10 List of Foods- By Ashley W. Pettit

This list is unique because all of the foods fit together as a whole.  If you include the list in your everyday diet, you are not only treating your body with respect, but protecting it from disease.  With these foods you are getting in a good amount of the macro- and micro-nutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fat) you need along with vitamins, minerals, and other nutritious substances to sustain life and health. 
I chose these foods with my professional experience and the support from a favorite book The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth by Jonny Bowden, P.h.D, C.N.S.

1.     Your mom was right when she said to load up on your greens, particularly leaf-like vegetables: spinach, kale, Swiss-chard, and collard greens.  Popeye has always said, “I must eats me some spinach.”  Even though he was right, Popeye may not have known just how good the green vegetable is for you. One cup of spinach is loaded with some 200% of the often overlooked of Vitamin K- says Bowden- that is extremely important for bone health.  Spinach also has a plethora of calcium, vitamins C and A, magnesium, manganese, folic acid, quercetin, iron, and flavanoids.  Don’t like milk?  Have some spinach for calcium.  If you want protection against cancer, eat spinach for the anticancer properties from 13 kinds of flavanoids.  Vitamins C and A are antioxidants that can lower cholesterol and for the magnesium to lower blood pressure.  Not to mention it has Quercetin, which is an anti-inflammatory, and iron that is important for women who menstruate and tend to lose iron at that time of the month.  (Bowden, 65 and 66.)
2.     Green Tea is a powerful beverage with numerous benefits.  The tea contains catechin which is known to inhibit the growth of and reproduction of cancer cells. Green tea also lowers cholesterol, decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, because it rids the body of fibrinogen.  You want fibrinogen out of your body because it causes clots and stroke.  Among all of these benefits, the tea also brings new meaning to brewing warm tea for relaxation.  The theanine in green tea can remove your stress and make you feel at ease because it triggers the release of a chemical called Dopamine; which regulates the pleasure zone in the brain. Green tea for weight loss has been a topic of popular study; however, supplemental green tea has not been proven to curb your appetite, but drinking it has been shown to speed up the metabolism.  As if these weren’t enough benefits, green tea also has antioxidants that can prevent Alzheimer’s and inflammation. 

3.     Whey Protein comes in the form of a powder in most instances and is extremely high quality.  Protein is essential to life as it is a big part of our metabolic pathways that enable our body to function.   The benefits of this protein are numerous, some including: boosting the immune system, building lean muscle mass and sparking weight loss, and may initiate relaxation that lowers blood pressure.  Whey protein has glutathione, considered the “Master Antioxidant” as it detoxifies the body, especially the liver, fighting against any free radicals that may damage cells and cause disease.  Whey protein also has high levels of protein fractions: beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, and immunoglobulins that directly relate to immune function as disease fighters.   Studies have evaluated the effects of alpha-lactalbumin on stress and have found that just 20 g of whey protein lowers blood pressure in people with moderate hypertension.  Weight lifters have used whey protein for decades to bulk up and build muscle mass.  Although you may not start to look like a body builder, whey protein does build lean muscle mass, which in turn sparks the metabolism and increases fat burning.  Whey protein also works with weight loss because it boosts satiety levels, keeping you fuller, longer. 

4.     Nuts: raw, unsalted nuts are the best out there as they are in their original state and as natural as possible.  Almonds are a heart-healthy nut because they are packed with the beneficial monounsaturated fat that reduces cholesterol, especially the bad low-density lipoprotein (LDL.)   Although they have been touted as high in fat and high in calories, when you eat just one ounce at a time you get numerous health benefits along with 6g of protein, 3 g of fiber, 80 mg of calcium, some vitamin E, magnesium, and phosphorus.  With its extremely low carbohydrate content, almonds are a good food source for diabetics.  With this food, you eat a little and get a lot. 

5.     Oatmeal is literally a lifesaver.  According to Bowden, it contains beta-glucan which is a type of polysaccharide that reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke and is known to help lower cholesterol levels. Beta-glucan also supports the body’s immune system, boosting its response to bacterial infection by literally feasting off of the bacteria in the body.  Oatmeal has the antioxidant avenanthramide in it that works as an anti-inflammatory and can support the health of your heart.  Aside from these health benefits, oatmeal has a few more beneficial characteristics, including: a low glycemic load that means it does not affect blood sugar significantly, is higher in protein than most cereals, and is naturally a better source of fiber.  The only drawback to oatmeal that should be mentioned, and was mentioned by Bowden, is that it is not gluten-free and may disturb those with a gluten allergy and with uric-acid related diseases.  Nutritionally, 2/3 C of oatmeal has phosphorus, manganese, potassium, selenium, and a few milligrams of iron along with a decent 8 ½ g of protein and 5 g of fiber.  So, drop that packet of Metamucil and incorporate oatmeal into your morning routine.  There are lots of other recipes that use oatmeal as well.  

6.     Raspberries; all berries are beneficial to health, but raspberries are especially loaded with fiber.  In just one cup of raspberries there is just 64 calories, but a whopping 8 g of fiber, along with calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins C and K.  Lots of nutrition in these little berries!  Ellagic acid is a cancer-fighting substance and raspberries are one of the leading sources of this acid.  Suffer from arthritis?  Raspberries have anthocyanins that can inhibit the compound that produces inflammation and pain and they also act as antioxidants that fight free radicals from damaging our cells.  Who knew such a great tasting fruit could be so helpful to our bodies? 

7.     Fish is essential to have at least once a week.  Wild Alaskan salmon in particular, is high in the essential fatty acid; omega-3.  It is called “essential” because we need to get it through out diet as our bodies do not make it.  The 16 Omega-3’s found in wild salmon are good for your heart as well as your head and they help with circulation, inflammation, memory, thought, and even with blood sugar.  The reason the wild salmon is better than the farm-raised salmon is because of the way they are raised.  Wild salmon eat a natural diet while farm-raised salmon are fed grains.  The farm-raised salmon do not contain as much omega-3 goodness as the wild salmon because of this difference in diet, so they are not as helpful for your heart and mind.  Three ounces of wild salmon gives you 18 g of protein, 360 mg of potassium, and nearly half of the Daily Value of selenium that can help you with fighting cancer.  If you are looking for B12, wild salmon has 50% of your Daily Value along with 30% of the Daily Value of niacin.  But watch out, at your local grocery store they have found protein foods contaminated with PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) that can be toxic and include farm-raised salmon. 

8.     Extra Virgin Olive Oil: You cook with it and it gives you a unique flavor, but olive oil does more than that.  A source of omega-3 like salmon, olive oil is a heart-healthy liquid that contains strong antioxidants called phenols, cholesterol lowering monounsaturated fat that can also help decrease the risk of colon and bowel cancer, and even lowers blood pressure.  Over-pressing removes the good stuff, so using extra virgin olive oil rather than regular olive oil is important because it is only pressed once, which leaves it full of the beneficial stuff! 

9.     Yogurt: Ok, so if you are lactose-intolerant this is not the best choice, but if you can handle some dairy, yogurt is a wonder-food for your gut and your overall health.  The probiotics in yogurt help promote healthy gut flora that are antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal.  These include bulgaricus, sometimes called bifidobacteria, and lactobacillus acidophilus that build up the immune system.  They literally produce NK’s, or natural killer cells, that increase antibodies when we have infections.  Yogurts do vary in their nutrition profiles, especially when it comes to sugar content.  The best bet when choosing a yogurt is to go with the one with the least amount of ingredients.  Like most foods, the more 
natural the better.  

10.  Eggs: Eggs are a high-quality protein in their entirety that has many health benefits.   The first of the beneficial substances in eggs are choline and phoshphatidylcholine.  Ironically enough, choline is in the yolk of the egg, the part that is touted for being unhealthy and contributing the high cholesterol.  When in fact, choline actually prevents the accumulation of cholesterol and fat in the liver.  Choline also lowers homocysteine in the body, which is a risk factor for heart disease.  Phosphatidylcholine protects us against toxic substances in the body.  Eggs and eyes are interrelated as the lutein and zeaxanthin help with vision; preventing us from macular degeneration.  Nutrition-wise, eggs are “eggcellent” for you.  Take into account their size and that eggs only have about 78 calories in them, and you’d be surprised that an egg also has 18% of the Daily Value for riboflavin (vitamin B2,) 14% of the Daily Value for vitamin B12, and 29% of the Daily Value for selenium, which helps the body fight against cancer.  The high sulfur content of eggs also improves your hair and nails.  So, there are numerous reasons beyond their yummy taste that make eggs a good choice morning, noon, or night.  

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